Oscar EMR
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- Branche: Staatsverwaltung
- Unternehmensgröße: 5.001–10.000 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
OSCAR for Dental use
Generally fine to use, we have frequent times where it will be inaccessible that don't usually affect us but there are times about once a month when it goes down and we don't have access.
One of the highlights of this software is that it's being used all across our services for all departments. This allows us to have a large data base of services and see commonalities among them.
OSCAR isn't build for dental software. The ease of use for creating schedules, profiles, uploading documents and written documentation is great. However there is no way to link members of a family together and there's no proper way to create charts and draw the needed odontograms for dental.
Quelle der Bewertung
OSCAR User for 4 years
This is an open source software which is web based, so that it will function on any OS platform. Since it is open source it means it is also free! You can download it at no cost from the Sourceforge web site, and if you have sufficient computer schools, you can unpack it and start using it.
There is also a very vibrant and active community of OSCAR users who communicate with each other on a daily basis and provide mutual support.
The system was devised by physicians and computer scientists at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. That's one of the reasons that it a) free and b) under continuing evaluation, improvement and upgrade. I'm using version 12. This is 'mature' software that is thoughtfully developed and in widespread use in many parts of the world.
Because the software is open source, you are not at the mercy of a developer/service provider who can jerk you around and exploit your dependence on them. If you don't like your OSCAR service provider or their fees, you can jump ship at a moment's notice and go to another one. (My own experience has been extremely positive with my own service provider, both in terms of low monthly support fees and prompt and obliging service. We don't tend to promote one service provider over another, but it's a good idea to get off-line recommendations from current users.)
Because it is web based I can log into my EMR from anywhere in the world. But don't think that means the system is insecure. My server is well protected against hackers. IN fact patient confidentiality remains a constant point of discussion on the listserves. We are all very focused on security.
On the other hand there are circumstances where patients want access to parts of their medical record - for instance while traveling away from home. This is where the parallel program MyOSCAR comes in. If you choose to do this (and only if you choose) you can provide as much or as little access as you want through MyOSCAR to your patients. You remain in control of that.
Since this is a Canadian development most of the over 2000 users are located in various parts of this country. However, we also have contact with physician users all over the world, from South America, to Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the antipodes.
For more information visit the web site: https://oscar-emr.com/
- Branche: Medizinische Praxis
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Oscar EMR is good for entry level practice
Primitive looking software. Searching, billing, and scheduling can be made a lot easier to use.
Oscar is linux based and can be accessed like a web server from anywhere in the world.
The scheduler is not the easiest to use. For example, if you do a search for a name trying to book an appointment and it is not found, it will close the window. Then have to start all over again to book appointment.
- Branche: Krankenhausversorgung & Gesundheitswesen
- Unternehmensgröße: 51–200 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
I generally train the staff on how to use Oscar, and use software to link new documents to...
There is definitely a benefit of low cost for this software, which was important to our organization as a non-profit.
I think that Oscar is very intuitive, and the setup of the software and where to find items makes sense to the average user. The billing mechanisms and reports that Oscar provides are also very handy to reference. The cost is also very nice.
Because this is an open software, there are not developers constantly making it better for the user, and the interface is a little rough. I find that visually, it is unappealing and difficult to see everything on the screen that you need to see. Furthermore, it looks cluttered and there are more clicks required to complete a task than necessary - some of the resulting work is then redundant, but necessary because there is no one who can rewrite the software (only at a cost).
- Branche: Medizinische Praxis
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Weitere für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Oscar is a good option to go paperless
Oscar is very friendly use, you can learn how to use it in 3 days. So for new hires it's a good that we don't waste time with training
Oscar works only with firefox system and we can't upgrade iOS (we use all MACbooks). So this keeps our systems slow
- Branche: Medizinische Praxis
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Oscar-Peter Everette
OSCAR is a decent EMR with pretty ease of functionality and convenience of information. I enjoy it being web based and having a remote option.
The one big caveat is dealing with the support team, namely Peter Everette. Our clinic is based out of New West and our clinic manager has a difficult time dealing with him if anything problem should arise. As a physician, I have spoken to him many times over the phone and he definitely does not know the meaning of customer service. He is condescending, arrogant and unlikely to admit any wrong. He points you on a wild goose chase before actually giving you an answer, or argumentative when simple issues could be solved with a few words. Instead, he berates you and scolds you for not knowing his system. Myself, other colleagues in the clinic and our clinic manager have all had similar experiences. It's a shame he's so difficult to work with.
Many functions work great with OSCAR including changing preferences to accommodate to your own clinic. You can add things to make your life easier which an EMR system should be doing.
Peter Everette - the biggest con about this product or system. When any situation arises, he is by far one of the most difficult people to deal with. His lack of mannerism, the ability to work with others and general condescending tone and arrogance makes it very hard to work with. Although he is the owner of the company, he is by far the worst to deal with compared to others.
- Wöchentlich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
my experience in a few words: "good and easy to use" actually i was using other type of...
more productivity
actually i was using other type of software and this works better for me.. me and my team aggress that this was a good improvement
- Branche: Öffentliche Sicherheit
- Unternehmensgröße: 10.000+ Mitarbeiter
- Monatlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
There are multiple fields to save client information and notes
There are a lot of steps involved, and the calendar search function is temperamental at times.
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