Über Stripe
Stripe ist eine cloudbasierte Lösung, die eine Vielzahl von einheitlichen APIs und Tools bietet, mit denen Unternehmen Zahlungen online verwalten und akzeptieren können.
Stripe übernimmt die wichtigsten Zahlungsfunktionen wie Abonnements, das Speichern von Karten und direkte Auszahlungen auf die Bankkonten des Nutzers. Stripe bietet auch Lösungen für mobile und webgestützte Zahlungen, die speziell für Entwickler entwickelt wurden. Mit Stripe können Unternehmen internationale Debitkarten, Kreditkarten und Währungen akzeptieren.
Zu den weiteren wichtigen Funktionen gehören Full-Stack-Zahlungen, PCI-Compliance, Rechnungszahlung, sofortige Zahlungsannahme, gemeinsame Kunden und die Erhebung von Transaktionsgebühren. Für Stripe fallen keine Kartenspeichergebühren, Validierungsgebühren, Einrichtungsgebühren, monatlichen Gebühren oder Rückerstattungsgebühren an.
Stripe bietet Support-Optionen wie Online-Support, eine Kundenwissensdatenbank und Foren. Darüber hinaus kann Stripe in Anwendungen wie Shopify, FreshBooks, Zoho Invoice, Zoho Subscriptions, TalentLMS, Squarespace, Sellsy, Intercom, Slack, Zapier und Abacus integriert werden.

Stripe Preis
Stripe bietet keine Gratisversion und keine kostenlose Testversion.
Alternativen für Stripe
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- Branche: Marketing & Werbung
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Einfach und effektiv: Warum Unternehmen auf Stripe setzen sollten
Für mich ist Stripe nach wie vor der online Zahlungsanbieter, wenn es um die Bezahlung mit Kreditkarten auf Websites und Online Shops geht.
Am besten gefällt mir die benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche, die eine nahtlose Zahlungsabwicklung ermöglicht. Dann überzeugt Stripe auch mit seinen transparenten Gebührenstrukturen, die für mich keine versteckten Kosten beinhalteten. Für mich war es ganz besonders wichtig, dass Stripe eine schnelle Integration in Websites und Apps ermöglicht.
Da ich Stripe bereits seit Jahren nutze und auch weiterhin nutzen werde, gibt es kaum Nachteile aus meiner Sicht. Es kann gut möglich sein, dass Nutzer die als relativ hoch empfundenen Gebühren kritisieren, insbesondere im Vergleich zu anderen Zahlungsanbietern.
- Branche: Gastgewerbe
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Kreditkartenzahlungen einfach und unkompliziert durchführen
Stripe ist für unseren Alltag wichtig, um Buchungen über unsere Website oder Upsells schnell und einfach per Kreditkarte zahlen zu können. Dies funktioniert einfach und zuverlässig.
Gute Integration in unsere Tools in denen der Verkauf der Leistungen stattfindet, einfache Erstellung von Zahlungslinks
Backend extrem undurchsichtig, kompliziert, weitere Zahlungsmethoden einzubinden
- Branche: Buchhaltung
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Umgang mit Kunden ist wirklich Mist.
Nach über einem Jahr Nutzung hat Stripe eine Prüfung durchgeführt. Bis dato gab es keine einzige Zahlungsanfechtung meiner Kunden. Stripe sagte nun, die Gefahr von Zahlungsanfechtungen sei bei uns sehr hoch. Sofort wurden Zahlungen gestoppt. Als Kunde hätte ich zumindest eine vorwarnung erwartet.
Viele Zahlungsmöglichkeiten. Zahlungen tokenisiert. Wiederkehrende Zahlungen möglich.
Buchhaltung ist schwierig, da Auszahlungen Rechnungen nicht einfach zuzuordnen sind.
- Branche: Design
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Täglich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Gutes Programm aber nicht immer geeignet
Schöne Benutzeroberfläche zum Verwalten der Zahlungen, Rechnungen und Abonnements. In jede Anwendung integrierbar.
Oftmals Probleme bei Einbindung der Schnittstelle in den Shop, Recht hohe Gebühren.
- Branche: Einzelhandel
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Enttäuschung pur..... danke für verlorene Zeit
nur für junge, des englischen mächtigen, Personen geeignet. Das ist schade...
gar nix mehr, es ist einfach nur nervend, etwas flasch eingegebenes zu korrigieren, eine Löschung praktisch unmöglich
Support nicht in heimatlicher Sprache (hier deutsch), Löschung nicht machbar ohne Hilfe.
- Branche: Informationsdienst
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Modernes Toolset für alles rund um Abrechnung und Payment
Top Paymentlösung die einfach aufzusetzen und zu Integrieren ist. Schnittstellen funktionieren zuverlääsig.
Kundenorientierte moderne zuverlässige Lösung, die einfach zu implementieren ist. Es kommen immer wieder Verbesserungen.
Der Preis ist eher im oberen Segment. Könnte manchmal mehr deutsche Besonderheiten berücksichtigen.
- Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Wöchentlich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Top Empfehlungen
Super einfache Integration in easy2. Meine absolute Empfehlung
Gibt nichts was mir nicht gefällt. Zumindest noch nichts entdeckt.
- Branche: Restaurants
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Keine Auszahlungen mehr beim Stripe Payments /Sides Pay/SimplyDelivery
Verbrecher. Horror. Das Ende für Unternehmer und Start Ups.
Das Zahlungsgerät sieht modern aus wie ein Handy
Dass die Auszahlung nach 4 Wochen noch immer nicht erfolgt ist durch Stripe Payments. Mehr als 11.000,-Euro werden nicht ausgezahlt, sogar nach endlosen Mails, Telefonate und Support Kontakten.
- Branche: Informationsdienst
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Zahlungsabwicklung für Webshops
Bisher hat eigentlich alles ganz gut gepasst. Ein paar Übersichten sind dabei nicht ganz optimal, aber ansonsten macht die Zahlungsabwicklung damit Spaß!
Hatte dazwischen ein Problem mit der Verbindung zu meiner Website, funktionierte aber wieder nach einem Update.
- Branche: Unternehmensberatung
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Zeitdieb statt digitaler Helfer
Ein digitales Zahlungsanbieter sollte aus meiner Ansicht als Nutzer (Unternehmerin) einfach in der Anwendung sein mit geringen Aufwänden für möglichst durchgängige Prozesse. Doch es gibt durchgängigen Prozesse, die Bank Anbindung funktioniert nicht, wie vieles.Die Rechnungserstellung wird versprochen, aber der Prozess wird weder im System gezeigt, noch im Tutorial. Wie soll das ohne Anleitung klappen? Gar nicht, bin frustriert.Das Tool nervt, weil es riesige Aufwände in der Administration verlangt und viele Blockaden durch Fehlermeldungen produziert, die den Prozess nicht zum Abschluss bringen.Der Mail Support kann angeblich nicht helfen, weil er nicht in die Anwendung schauen kann. So einen Quatsch habe ich nicht noch nie gehört - von einem angeblich digitalen Vorreiter.Der telefonische Support ist in den USA und kann auch nicht helfen.Kundenzentrierung und Kundenservice geht anders.Bei Hubspot wird im Chat zumeist direkt im Echtzeit-Chat die Frage beantwortet.Sonst per Mail mit einer Video-Aufnahme.Warum hat Stripe einen altmodischen nicht digitalen und nicht funktionieren Support?Das Unternehmen macht jede Menge Gewinn, investiert aber nicht gute Kundenerlebnisse.Unbedingt meiden und weitersagen.
Zahlungen digital abwickelnPreis-Leistungsverhältnis
Zu großer Aufwand in der Administration. Keine Hilfe durch SupportZu viele Blockaden im Ablauf
- Branche: Informationstechnologie & -dienste
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Unglaublich schlechter Service
Die einfache Einrichtung und die transparente Preisgestaltung.
Der Service ist leider ungenügend. Wenn man keinen Ansprechpartner braucht, ist alles gut. Wenn jedoch ein Problem da ist, muss alles für Wochen stillgelegt werden. Solche Verluste kann man sich sparen. Ich war mit Stripe technisch sehr zufrieden. Leider hat der Service jegliches Vertrauen zerstört. Unsere Kunden müssen gerade über einem Monat auf Ihre Rückzahlung warten, da übe Stripe keine ansprechpartner da sind. Nachdem alles telefonisch dann besprochen wurde, wurde die Auszahlung weiterhin nicht geleistet. Ich werde die Angelegenheit nun an einen Anwalt weitergeben.

- Branche: Fundraising
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Monatlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Stripe Review
I’ve always had great service and results.
Must have 3rd party service for payments. Great service and always works.
Can be a bit technical to set up if the form doesn’t automatically connect via Stripe.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen
Square PaymentsWarum Stripe gewählt wurde
PayPal was not popular among my customersGründe für den Wechsel zu Stripe
It easily integrates with services I already use- Branche: E-Learning
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Fast and flawless. Protects the business against abuse
Whenever I need a payment processor for a business, the first choice is Stripe.
It allows you to create buy buttons, subscriptions, invoices and everything you need to run an online business directly from the dashboard, it even has an API in case you need to program something custom.
For a simple business I can create everything related to payments from the dashboard.
Fast and flawless payment processor. Transfers run smoothly and protects business money from fraudulent customers.
Many product and subscription configuration options.
Daily transfer options are somewhat limited and the control panel is a bit cumbersome at first, but you get used to it.
The first week can be a bit tedious due to all the verification process, but is ok.

- Branche: Grafikdesign
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
This system Needs Improvement
I have been using them for years but the fees can be quite high, the support is lacking
easy to create payment links and accept payment
When there is an issue, no one is willing to take ownership and fix it.
- Branche: Non-Profit-Organisation Management
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Stripe - your go to for money transactions!
I have used Stripe for various businesses over the last 7 or 8 years, and I have been able to trust them with my money transactions.
Stripe is super convenient because it runs everything in the background, but I still have the control to go into Stripe and refund transactions, see canceled transactions, and see when they happened. I very much appreciate Stripe!
The fees are a bit high, the delay in money is a bit daunting, and there is the hassle of getting a new bank account verified.
Gründe für den Wechsel zu Stripe
It was a bigger software and had more ability for us to ultilize more functionality out of it.- Branche: Design
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Great product, just a bit expensive
Overall generally good, easy for developers and quality product.
Just a little expensive
ease of use and plenty of features to work with overall a lot of functionality and options
Expensive to operate
Can be a little complicated
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen
Revolut BusinessWarum Stripe gewählt wurde
PayPal was more expensive and has less featuresZuvor genutzte Software
PayPal ZettleGründe für den Wechsel zu Stripe
Not as specialised as STRIPE and not as well known- Branche: Medizinische Praxis
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Office manager
Overall a positive experience. Low rates, easy to use.
Ease of use for us and our customers. Swipe, tap or insert.
Wish it would write back into our practice software.

- Branche: Marketing & Werbung
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Local Bank for worldwide users
Stripe was an game changer for us, as an SEO agency we always wanted clients from North america and Tier 1 countries, but the bank fees always took an huge part from us, But stripe solved it for us, Their fees is very low, Stripe is one of the most important payment system for us.
The Lower Fees compared to other alternatives, And they are helpful to pay international clients, with stripe i was able to expand my business to North america too.
The identity verfications, I have verified the account once but it asked once again after 6 months.
- Branche: Transport/Güterfrachtverkehr/Schienenverkehr
- Unternehmensgröße: 201–500 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Stripe payment platforms review
Stripe is the best payment processing I have ever used, it integrates with e-commerce websites.
Stripe over blocks credit cards and it blocks others payment
- Branche: Informationstechnologie & -dienste
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Stripe: A good payment processing solution
My overall experience of this was excellent.
It provides developer friendly platform where it gives us excellent documentation and APIs.
Fees can be higher for certain payment methods and it has limited customer support.

- Branche: Immobilien
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Monatlich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Payment system that works well.
I do feel the data is secure. Additionally, their world-wide acceptance is a plus.
I like that you can accept payments not only online but in person.
Their fees could be lower. Also, while you can pay in person, this part of the service has limited options.
- Branche: Automotive
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Monatlich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Endless possibilities, quick to implement, and great with integrations, but at a cost
Stripe works very well, it's not free, and the fees stack up quite quickly, especially if you're selling internationally. However, I think it's such a complete platform and setting up everything is free, that it's worth the cost of transactions.
We mainly use it with low-code solutions such as Bubble.io. The documentation and support is excellent. Also, should you expand to full code, the documentation is so complete that's always a safe bet.
It does the job, it's a "set-it-and-forget-it" product great for starting with very low budget, and scales tremendously well as you grow.
We work a lot with no code, especially with Bubble.io apps. I've had the chance to integrate Stripe on various project and the speed of implementations, support and seamlessness is really what makes this solution stand out.
The user portal in which you can create your products, set up discount codes and coupons, personalize subscriptions etc. is really useful and it allows to set up your shop in a few hours.
We mainly use it for SAAS subscriptions and we've never had any problem with payments, processing speed or process clarity.
Although setting up and starting out is free, the credit card commissions, exchange commissions and service for processing are quite high. Stripe eats a noticeable amount in fees, but still, it saves you so much time during the implementation and payment setup. As a startup it is really important to act quickly and have "set it and forget it" solutions for your infrastructure
- Branche: Alternative Medizin
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Täglich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Best for small business
Great, hope that if I need customer service it is a better experience.
Stripe was super easy to integrate, easy for clients to pay, and never have issues.
I can't see a report detailing what client paid what, but my other program does that for me. Customer support when I switched banks took them 4 weeks of not listening to me to fix my accounts. They asked for the same documentation over 8 times literally. Once fixed though, it was fixed.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen
Square PaymentsWarum Stripe gewählt wurde
There are no fees with Stripe as I pass the processing fee onto the clients.Gründe für den Wechsel zu Stripe
Ease of integration, no fees, and no equipment needed.- Branche: Krankenhausversorgung & Gesundheitswesen
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
No customer support
NO customer support. It is only through emails, you only get a response at night which makes me think it is outsourced, and the response is always the same even when you tell them it doesn't work.
linking bank account was the only thing of ease
NO customer support. It is only through emails, you only get a response at night which makes me think it is outsourced, and the response is always the same even when you tell them it doesn't work.
- Branche: Computer-Software
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Trusted Provider, Can Be Expensive in Fees and Time
Good, trustworthy, reliable, efficient, and quick to set up. The only downside is watching your overall transaction fee costs and planning your cashflow schedule to when payments will actually be paid out.
We wanted to go with a trusted digital payments provider--and have never had a client or customer mention they couldn't use Stripe. Secure, reliable for both parties in the transaction, and easy to both set up and use as a consumer.
The payout fees on transactions can really eat into the cost of goods and services; further, it's important to note that payouts to the supplier/provider can take at least several days.
- Branche: Marketing & Werbung
- Unternehmensgröße: 51–200 Mitarbeiter
- Monatlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Run if your Transactions are high 3 and 4 figures.
Nightmare, from the beginning to the end.No customer support no reasoning behind their decisions
I didn't like a single thing about stripe. As far as I'm concerned their big con company.
I held a stripe account for 6 years.Mostly smaller transactions.Then we started getting into government contracting and running 4 figures transactions.They were froze all of them for ninety days
- Branche: Immobilien
- Unternehmensgröße: 51–200 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
We love Stripe. I can monitor our payments very efficiently, and effectively.
We have never had any issues with Stripe. We find it to be a safe, and efficient way for our customers to pay.
We like the ease of receiving payments and the safety of their monitoring system.
There is nothing that I can think of that I can even say I don't like.
- Branche: Einzelhandel
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
if you try to contact support and think you can solve something, FORGET IT! they just connect you every 30 minutes to another agent who has no competence for basic things, I don't understand how a payment gateway that manages money can have such an approach! they are maximally impossible and not helpful at all! this is my worst experience! I believe that this payment gateway will end soon! they only rob sellers of money! if you own an e-shop, don't even think about this payment gateway, and if you have one, end the cooperation as soon as possible, it will be your best decision. You'll thank me later.
NEVER USE STRIPE !!! check out their reviews! terrible !!!
They are simply stealing your money
They stealing your money. we used stripe, the support is impossible at most not helpful, they refund the money to the customer without the customer returning the goods, I DO NOT RECOMMEND TO USE. use verified methods such as PAYPAL, GOPAY and other payment gateways because Stripe and Klarna are maximally incompetent.
- Branche: Sport
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Monatlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
For the love of god avoid Stripe
I have had enough. DO NOT USE. It has taken me 2 months to refund my customers after we had an event cancellation. And even then they didn't help. It was so painful.
This is the worst customer experience I have ever had.
This is the third time contacting Stripe about this issue and every time they go off on some tangent about something that isn't even the problem.
I was not able to refund my customers with my account as it capped me at withdrawing 1.5k.
I tried to transfer money to my Stripe account so I could complete the refunds.
The money I sent automatically got sent back to my bank.
I just want to add to my balance so I can refund my customers!!!
I contacted customer support, as usual they go off on some weird tangent talking about something irrelevant but in a polite voice so it kind of looks like they are trying to help? Infuriating.
I will take every single effort possible in my power to change my business away from Stripe because they have the WORST customer support and the worst experience.
Do you know what would be better than the support that I am getting? None. Because at least it wouldn't waste my time talking to a brick wall.
The support agents are either stupid, can't understand English or have been told to play dumb on these issues.
It seemed safe. And I THOUGHT that it was a good product. I was wrong.
They take your money, won't let you refund anybody, and honestly have the worst customer support known to mankind. A robot would actually be better.
- Branche: Gastgewerbe
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Poor customer service
Ease of processing transactions Electronically
Poor customer service and refunds given to clients quite often without providing us justification
- Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Stripe is easy to use with several software platforms.
I am able to link up Stripe to several different software platforms such as Simplybook.me and Mariana Tek. I also used Wix with Stripe.
It is easy for clients to make payments.
It can be overly complicated for the admin.
- Branche: Bildende Kunst
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Horrifyingly bad
I have never encountered customer service this bad, or this degree of incompetence and ineptitude. I wish I could rate this organization lower as nothing I've dealt with could even compare to how bad my experience was with Stripe. I would never use this platform for anything.
Literally nothing, I haven't had a single interaction with this company that was not terrible.
Just setting up an account was excruciating. Took OVER 14 calls, emails, chats to support to resolve a single verification issue, no one would resolve it, no one would tell me what was wrong, and the actual problem? The order I put my board members in on the site was different than on the document. All the data was identical but literally no one even checked. On the 14th attempt of submitting the exact same document, finally someone actually looked at it and verified the account. Took 4 days and lost thousands of dollars because of their incompetence.

- Branche: Einzelhandel
- Unternehmensgröße: 201–500 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Stripe Support Nightmare
It is literally the worst experience that I have ever encountered how can a company of this size can get away with no technical or general support is beyond me. My suggestion to anyone, avoid this entity with a passion but if you are ok with no tangible support then by all means utilize their services.
We were sold on the seamless aspect of the connect capability which is working well until you a get bug then you start facing unbelievable problems.
Technical or general support is non existant, for the entire country of UAE, you are lucky if you can get an account manager, whatever support you can find is online and god forbid if your company documents are questioned. It is 3 monts and counting and still trying to be onboarded as well as solve our technical issues.
- Branche: Informationstechnologie & -dienste
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Easy onboarding and quick money transfer
It's very fast to sign up and go through onboarding. Stripe works with a great number of countries all over the world and the speed of money transfer from your Stripe account to your bank account is rather high (1-3 days)
Their fees are not reasonable and they charge you additionally for those features, which are commonly provided by payment gateways by default.
- Branche: Fluggesellschaften/Luftfahrt
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
The site is clunky and not intuitive to use.
I wish I had read the very small fine print about them keeping their fees.
It seems that dishonesty is part of the DNA of all large corporations these days.
Easy to integrate and the security system seems pretty good, but you dont really know until its too late.
I had a customer pay their AUD$7000 invoice twice. I refunded the second payment but Stripe kept the entire AUD$393 of fees !! For doing NOTHING!!!
But it gets better. Stripe took 5.7% in fees when my international fees are only 3.5%.
They claimed that it just covers their costs. Ironic how Paypal and the banks only charge a couple dollars for the same thing.
They are fraudulent and dishonest.
- Branche: Sport
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Stripe Misrepresents It's Features, Horrible Support
The tax system does not perform as advertised, nor does the top-up, or balance management capabilities. The help system describes (inaccurately) several important features. Because of this, the software doesn't behave the way it is advertised. When you call for support, you end up dealing with an off-shore, under-trained, and maddeningly incompetent service team whose default position is "you are wrong". I've worked in and around the payment processing industry since 1999, and with over 25 years of payment processing experience (processing hundreds of millions of dollars of transactions), I can tell you that STRIPE is overpriced, under-supported, and inaccurate. Users of the software are left in the dark, and without support. STRIPE will hold your money for too long, and not reply to customer service requests promptly. But they will reply to negative reviews promptly. Think about that - they are more concerned that they are perceived as giving great service than they are actually delivering great service.
It was the only payment processing option to use with our specialty event software provider's system.
Stripe's lack of transparency about pricing, its lack of accuracy in reporting of transactions such as refunds, it's inability to show accurate transaction logs, and the support and customer service was horrific.
- Branche: Gesundheit, Wellness & Fitness
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Stripe is a Reliable and Efficient Payment Processing with Additional Business Support
Overall, I love Stripe! I have had nothing but great experiences with them, and I plan to use stripe with all of my future businesses.
have been a Stripe customer for over two years, during which all of my business transactions have been processed through their platform. The processing fees are competitive, and they offer the option for instant payouts, allowing funds to be transferred to your bank account within minutes. Additionally, Stripe provides business loans based on monthly revenue, which are typically available after maintaining a consistent relationship with the platform for a certain period.
I haven’t experienced any cons as of today. It really been a smooth ride with stripe
- Branche: Gastgewerbe
- Unternehmensgröße: 11–50 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für 6-12 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Almost Destroyed My Business - Stripe Stole From Us
We implemented Stripe because of its ease of use but it’s turned out to be a nightmare. It’s as though Stripe decided that we are not a legitimate company and targeted us to prove it at any cost.
Every few weeks we were asked to produce the same previously requested documents. We have never had a single customer dispute yet they unilaterally decided we were high risk and returned recently charged purchases to our clients who have already stayed at our vacation rental.
We went viral with over 5.5 million views of an influencer’s video which caused had a huge uptick in business. I’m not sure if the volume of business caused Stripe to be concerned. They requested a selfie and an upload of the ID they already had on file. After I uploaded the selfie and my US Passport I got a notification that I was now good to go. This was followed by an email two hours later that we were deemed to be too risky and funds would be returned to our clients.
Stripe then took money from our bank account and I assume will be sending it to clients who have already stayed at our property. We are hoping these funds will be returned to us.
In a nutshell, Stripe stole from us - there were no customer complaints. We contacted the customers and are praying they will send thousands of dollars back to us using another method of payment.
Ease of integration with the company I selected for my property management system.
Countless re-verification requests with no favorable response after sending business registration and several forms of IDs.
Extremely poor customer service with lengthy waiting times for retuned calls.
They made the decision to stop supporting my business without a single customer complaint or request for a refund.
They rejected payments from a lot of international clients based in Canada and the UK. This caused me to lose a lot of bookings.
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Square PaymentsGründe für den Wechsel zu Stripe
Perceived ease and ease of integration to my back end property management system.- Branche: Automotive
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Fraud prevention is important!
Not at all good. After my issue with transaction fraud, I could not speak to customer service. It’s virtually impossible to get someone on the phone or just get help in general as a small business owner.
The ease of use, there are times when I can’t talk on the phone with a customer because I had one with me in person. I could send them to my website to make their payment and it would process immediately.
The fees taken per transaction and then the fees on top of that to transfer the funds and then the fees on top of that to keep the product. Too many fees
Also, I had a customer dispute a transaction with her bank and won $2K. Stripe collected $2k from me and didn’t help me. I had the customer on camera, I had the contract with her signature and I had all emails/text messages from the customer. Stripe processed the dispute and lost. After that, I didn’t trust stripe. I stopped using them.
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Square PaymentsWarum Stripe gewählt wurde
I thought stripe would be cheaper. It turned out the same but I went back to square because I can always get someone on the phone to help.Zuvor genutzte Software
Square PaymentsGründe für den Wechsel zu Stripe
I thought the process was easier. The sign up was easy but it cost me more in the long run because of the amount of loss I ran.- Branche: Konsumgüter
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Stripe is the Payment Processor To Fit Any Business Needs
The various feature embedded in Stripe for multiple different payment option capabilities is phenomenal. They have detailed outline of payment intents to look back at immediately should there be a problem with a debit or credit card that was ran for payment and they have security detection on transactions that don't feel genuine especially if running it manually. I love it. You also have the ability to send out invoices and payment links to customers saving the hassle of leaving their own home for a phone in order to deliver gifts to family/friends from miles away!
The only cons is the whole Ruby Gem and developer code setup if you don't know how to implement this on your own website you're building or even in your own cloud server or network server. It takes alot of research and how-to articles to read to start learning it as you go and if you're a beginner thats unfamiliar with command line basics and a terminal to launch from then you're in trouble! Ha!Ha!
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WaveWarum Stripe gewählt wurde
Square has a tendency to just freeze accounts and not even allow legitimate appeal of the decision and they do so without warning. If you have money in the account when they do decide to just cut you off they hold onto it for at least 180 days if I remember correctly and there is nothing you can do about it. That's unacceptable.Zuvor genutzte Software
Square PaymentsGründe für den Wechsel zu Stripe
For the same reason I chose Stripe over Square.... they have the same bad habit of freezing accounts just on a whim with no notice and keep business owners from revenue just because they can and are in no hurry to allow you access to your funds even if proven legitimate long before they'll release their hold on them.- Branche: Buchhaltung
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Great payment solution
We love using Stripe as our online payment solution and recommend it to our clients.
It is very easy to setup on most of the platforms and even can be used on its own. Fees are among the lowest on the market.
At the moment no crypto currency payments are available.
- Branche: Informationstechnologie & -dienste
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Pasarela de pago ideal para E-ecommerce
Mi experiencia general ha sido muy positiva. He encontrado que es una plataforma extremadamente confiable y fácil de usar para procesar pagos en línea. La documentación y los recursos para desarrolladores son excelentes
La simplicidad de integración, la amplia gama de funcionalidades y el excelente soporte para desarrolladores son las principales ventajas que más me han gustado de Stripe.
La disponibilidad de ciertas funciones puede variar según el país o la región, lo que puede limitar su utilidad en algunos casos.
- Branche: Computer-Software
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 1 Jahr genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Frustrating Experience with Stripe Support & Unfair Account Closures
My experience with Stripe has been incredibly frustrating. My account was suddenly closed due to claims of "unauthorized payments," which were factually incorrect. There were only three transactions involved, all of which were authorized by the customers. Despite providing clear explanations and offering to verify with customer communications, my support tickets were automatically closed, and I received no meaningful follow-ups.
Even worse, my customers’ refunds are now at risk due to this account closure, and there has been no assistance or clarity from Stripe's support team. The responses I did receive felt automated and dismissive, offering no real solutions.
This has severely impacted my business and my customers' trust. I urge Stripe to take complaints and customer support issues more seriously. This level of service is simply unacceptable.
Good technical infrastructure and superior integrations and APIs
Customer support is horrible. "Investigations" are vague automated responses.
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen
Square PaymentsGründe für den Wechsel zu Stripe
Thought it was easier to use, but the legal issues and unfair treatment from stripe is pushing me away.- Branche: Einzelhandel
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
When you grow too big you no longer care about the little ones
Useless customer support, breach of own resolution time commitments
Early adoption, ease of use and dashboards
Poor customer support, grown too big to pay attention to small businesses
In Betracht gezogene Alternativen
Square PaymentsWarum Stripe gewählt wurde
Early adopter, better fee structure, easy to implement and integrateGründe für den Wechsel zu Stripe
Early adopter and availability in the region we operate- Branche: Marketing & Werbung
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Wöchentlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
my Stripe review.
It enables me to do business online knowing that I can accept payments from customers worldwide, it doesn't matter the location I'm doing business at.
Its easy to use, and that it can be used everywhere around the globe, this enables businesses to accept payments from customers worldwide.
A bit difficult to integrate or customize without professional help.
- Branche: Großhandel
- Unternehmensgröße: Selbstständig
- Täglich für 1-5 Monate genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Thieves they don’t have a contact us button for a reason
Brutal experience they still owe my corporation. Go to moneris. You’ll be happier.
Hated every moment of its wasted 3 weeks uploading products. Then steals money from your account of 98.65 per transaction or invoices + 3.99%
Absolutely Everything, worst experience
- Branche: E-Learning
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Appalling Service
Appalling. I have spent a month trying to get someone, anyone to help. All I received were dismissive emails sending me off to solve the problems on your site.
The logo is nice. The name is also nice.
Customer support is non existent. The arrogance of big business treats to customer as a problem rather than an asset.
- Branche: Informationstechnologie & -dienste
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Monatlich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Extremely Frustrating Experience with Stripe
We've been using #Stripe since October 2021, and initially, everything worked fine. However, things took a frustrating turn when Stripe suddenly labeled our business as "high risk" without providing any evidence and placed an indefinite hold on our payouts. Despite submitting all the requested documentation and proving our compliance, their support team has failed to give any clear reason or transparency behind this decision.
This lack of communication has severely impacted our business operations, and it's unacceptable for a company that relies on consistent cash flow. To make matters worse, Stripe doesn’t provide a local contact support number, making it even harder to resolve these issues. Stripe's handling of this situation has been deeply disappointing, and we strongly caution other businesses considering their service.
Initially, doing business with stripe was fine.
Stripe can place holds on your funds or freeze your accounts without warning, especially if it deems a business as "high risk," often without clear communication.
Stripe lacks direct phone support in many regions, making it challenging to resolve urgent issues quickly.
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PayPal Commerce PlatformWarum Stripe gewählt wurde
to have better users experience and support.Gründe für den Wechsel zu Stripe
Negative reviews including payout delays.
- Branche: Marketing & Werbung
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Powerful payment solution
It is a great choice for businesses looking for a simple yet powerful solution for online payments.
Easy to integrate and works nicely with websites, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes.
Some users may find its pricing confusing, especially when dealing with additional fees for specific services.
- Branche: Freizeit, Reisen & Tourismus
- Unternehmensgröße: 2–10 Mitarbeiter
- Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
Quelle der Bewertung
Payment Getaway With No Hassle
Even though the fees more expensive compare to other products, I'm happy with the features and the customer support of Stripe. Highly recommended for e-commerce.
Security for merchant and customer, easy to deploy, easy to use, good reporting, well integration with third party
Fees more expensive than other payment getaway