

Über OnScale Solve

OnScale Solve ist eine Engineering-CAD- und Simulationsplattform, mit der Unternehmen die Metaphysik-Simulation von 3D-Designs über ein einheitliches Portal optimieren können. Die Lösung ermöglicht Führungskräften die Konfiguration von Simulationsworkflows, die Abwicklung von CAD-basierten Reparaturprozessen, die Optimierung von Entwürfen und die Automatisierung von Vernetzungsvorgängen. Angestellte können Simulationsdaten in einem zentralen Repository erfassen und speichern. Außerdem haben sie die Möglichkeit, Diagramme, Tabellen, Bilder und Animationen in Echtzeit zu generieren. Über das zentrale Dashboard können Administrationsteams Simulationsstudien durchsuchen und die Nutzung verfolgen. Darüber hinaus können Nutzer mit OnScale Solve mehrere Produktideen entwerfen und parametrische Analysen durchführen. OnScale Solve verfügt über eine API, die die Integration in verschiedene Plattformen von Dritten wie Onshape, Amazon Web Services, MATLAB, SilTerra und andere Plattformen erleichtert. Die Preise sind auf Anfrage verfügbar und der Support erfolgt per Telefon, E-Mail und über sonstige Online-Ressourcen.
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OnScale Solve Software - 3 - Vorschau

OnScale Solve Preis

OnScale Solve bietet eine Gratisversion und eine kostenlose Testversion.

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2 Bewertungen
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  • Branche: Tiefbau
  • Unternehmensgröße: 201–500 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Mehr als 2 Jahre genutzt
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Bewertet am 22.5.2023

Agrxis Review on OnScale Solve

I've had excellent results overall with OnScale Solve. The platform has given me, as an engineer, a strong and complete solution for sophisticated simulation and analysis. Beyond my expectations, OnScale Solve's capabilities have given me the confidence and efficiency to handle challenging technical problems. I have been able to design complex models using CAD tools, and credible simulation results have been produced via mathematical modeling characteristics. My previous workflows have been easier to integrate because of the smooth data import/export feature, which has helped me save time and effort. My designs have benefited greatly from the design analysis capabilities, and the 3D visualization has improved my comprehension of simulation findings. Although there was a learning curve at first, OnScale's support and resources have enabled me to master the platform. In conclusion, OnScale Solve has greatly improved my engineering simulations, and I heartily endorse it to other professionals seeking sophisticated and dependable simulation capabilities.


OnScale Solve has really pleased me, and its strong simulation capabilities are what I loved about it the most. For my profession as an engineer, having access to sophisticated simulation tools is essential, and OnScale Solve performs superbly in this regard. My ability to produce complicated and accurate models is made possible by the platform's CAD tools, and my ability to simulate and analyze complex physical processes is made possible by the platform's mathematical modeling capabilities. It's simple to integrate OnScale Solve into my current workflows because to the smooth data input and export capabilities. The platform's design analysis tools also give me useful information on the performance and behavior of my designs, which I can use to optimize and improve them before production. My comprehension of simulation results is further improved by OnScale Solve's 3D imaging capabilities, which help me effectively see and comprehend data.


Despite my overall excellent experience with OnScale Solve, I would have to say that the platform's learning curve is what I enjoyed least about it. As a new user, it took me some time to become comfortable with all of OnScale Solve's features and functionalities. The platform provides a large number of tools and settings, which can be confusing at first. I must, however, point out that after spending some time studying and getting to know the platform, I was able to fully exploit its features and recognize their worth.

Verifizierter Rezensent
  • Branche: Öl & Energie
  • Unternehmensgröße: 201–500 Mitarbeiter
  • Täglich für Kostenlose Testversion genutzt
  • Quelle der Bewertung

Bewertet am 17.5.2021

One of the easy Cloud engineering tool

Overall i would suggest OnScale for day-to-day cloud computing needs and since they also provide free service as a trial one can easily check if the needs are satisfied.


OnScale is a great cloud engineering tool with easy to use interface and even free hour usage for beginners.
It makes cloud engineering very fast and makes it portable.


It is one of the best but the price is higher compared to other tools and other shortcomings include the features which is comparatively less than the ones present for offline usage

2 Bewertungen

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